Discover Life on Your terms.

Find out what you REALLY want in LIFE, gain Access to your Unique Strengths, and become an Effective Communicator.

49 days from start date
and you have shifted from passenger seat into the driver seat of your life.


You can start ANYTIME and watch on-demand

Standard FULL Entry ticket

219 USD

Special discount available on request for age 26 and under (total: 149 USD)

The Driving License for Life is designed for you, and with the intention to ease you into the next phase of your life.

To the person who wants to live a life in the driver seat:

Are you curious to know what you’re really capable of?

Are you fantasizing what your future will look like?

You have big dreams you’d like to achieve, and up until now you keep them hidden inside of you?

In this program, you’ll discover how to rise above the uncertainty and self-doubt that blocks you from your aspirations - so you can grow, explore, and achieve to your fullest potential.

This is your invitation to craft your life full of confidence, clarity and curiosity. You are excited about the road ahead. This course will change your life.

Life can be challenging

You have come so far. You have made choices after choices. Endless decisions have brought you to this point. You are here right now.

Decisions about education, your career and maybe you have already started a second career or are thinking about your dream job. Your family and partner are demanding your attention, you have commitments which are feeling heavy and ....

in the midst of all of this: There is you....figuring out who you really REALLY are and what you’re good at, to how to be successful in life - there’s so much thinking going on. Am I right?

But what if you had an easier way to deal with all the stress and expectations most people deal with?

In fact what if you could tap into the Confidence, Clarity, and Curiosity to fill your life with JOY and HAPPINESS and design the life you imagine - as easily as swiping to the left?

This is what this program is offering.

Do you want to feel tremendously excited about designing your life without all the emotional pain ...

...without feeling like someone else is in charge and you are just sitting in the Passenger Seat of your own life?

You are functioning day by day and life is happening. You are facing each day to the best of your abilities but something is not quite right, yet. Maybe...

  • You feel stuck and don't know how to move forward
  • You feel disconnected to the real you in the world
  • You think you don't know enough about yourself
  • You question yourself all the time
  • You are giving too much of yourself for the benefit of others (job, family, community)
  • You are tired of other people telling you want is right for you
  • You have tried so many things and read so many books
  • You feel stressed about time
  • You feel misunderstood in your communication
  • You feel pressured to succeed
  • You fear that you are not good enough
  • You're overwhelmed by life
  • You feel pushed in so many directions
  • You're afraid of not fitting in
  • You envy others who seem to have it all figured out
  • You don't know where to start

This is stopping you from being fully YOU to create the life of your dreams.

Deep down you want to believe that life can be fun, joyful and tremendously fulfilling. You know that you want to make the best of this life! You have a deep desire for an abundant life and are ready to learn about yourself.

If you can find yourself even slightly in any of the above statements ...

.. this Driving License for Life program is for you.

What others want to tell YOU

Success Stories from real students with real experiences, and what they want you to know...

Joschi (Germany) participated in the LIVE program.

He prefers the LIVE version as coaching calls offered extra value, motivation and community.

More voices

Patrizia (Germany): the course helps to find clarity for your next steps, learn about your beliefs and to fix your habits.

She took part in the LIVE course and the live video calls.

Isabell (Germany) finds it now easier to focus on the beautiful in life and has integrated the learnings of the course into her life.
(Student chose the anytime/on-demand version)

Hi, I’m Julia

Super thrilled we meet. You might want to know why I am here.

In my mid 20's I was fortunate to learn about the Power of the Mind and about Effective Communication.

This had a massive and groundbreaking impact on my life ever since, and now is the time to expand and share the learnings with YOU.

I am conscious about myself, aware of my life decisions, take responsibility for my actions, am full of dreams and know that trusting myself and the greater good is my path. I see this infinite potential in others too.

The journey is the destination - So whilst being here, I intend to spread Happiness into all my interactions.

After years of study in the field of Neurolinguistic Programming, Neuroscience, Human consciousness, this course encompasses all my knowledge and presents a great opportunity for young ambitious adults and other truth-seeking souls to start their personal growth journey.

I believe Happiness is Homemade, so let me show you how you are in charge, how you can be the driver of your life.

Join me and you get

  • Daily Video Lessons for an immersive learning and transformation experience. Micro-content guiding you step by step deeper into the discovery of your new Self. (Monday-Friday)

  • 14 powerful mindset tools to enhance and sustain the transformation

  • Powerful exercises
    boosting your progress and allowing you to shift from passenger seat into the driver seat. This is the moment of implementation, you can Netflix later.

  • Downloadable Course Workbook, to enrich your learning

  • Self-assessment of your progress

  • Access via teachable platform, slick and easy to navigate for your convenience

  • Being part of the Mind You community of like-minded people, who continue to dive deep into personal development, growth and life enhancements.

  • Certificate of completion: Driving License for Life

The on-demand/start anytime version does NOT include:

  • Weekly LIVE Group Calls
    7 x 60 min to directly connect with Julia. Guaranteed to leave you feeling inspired, expanded and energy-lifted. With the possibility to get coached one-to-one.

  • Special bonuses during the LIVE calls like raffles, expert drop-ins.

Want to enroll in the LIVE program, make your way to the overview of courses on the Mind You Student Hub.
Sign up for the next intake or if non is available at present: get on the waiting list, to secure your space ahead of time. Next opening of class will be promoted soon.


The Curriculum

Driving License for Life Curriculum

Your Driving License for Life program includes 7 weeks / 49 daily micro-contents designed to enrich and elevate you into your best self- all hosted on the Teachable platform for easy access and modern design.

In just 20 minutes per day, each video guides you through the topic of the day including exercises that will give you access to your dormant unique powers - like deep self-awareness, knowledge about the human mind and emotions, and the confidence and determination to achieve anything you can desire.

With all my love, passion and energy I have crafted this course as an experience for you to GROW and THRIVE. I am certain that this program will alter your life, will change the course of your life.

All this is for YOU, if.... show up open, and meet me half way, and are fully committed to a 7 week mental road trip, and still have fun and ease along the are in the right place.

By the end of the program, you’ll have everything you need to make an epic positive impact in your life, all the people around you and even on the planet.

It’s time to live on your terms.

It's time to drive your life from the driver seat.

Why 7 weeks?

The course is complete after 7 weeks, all parts are important. Studies have shown that deep transformative change is a process. The course is designed to incrementally build up.

GOOD NEWS: The first 4 weeks, are jam-packed with content. You get knowledgeable, your awareness is intensified and you actually get a feel what your life is like from the perspective of the driver seat.

GREAT NEWS: You will mentally take your Self out driving your life, being in action for 2 weeks. Kind of like going on test drives in week 5 and 6. Vital part to gaining confidence.

AWESOME NEWS: Week 7 is full of 'booster' content, which will make you a mentally strong, observant and a curious driver of your life.

If you compare it to a car: It's like that all parts of a car are integral and work best together, to start the engine, to shift gear, to brake and pause, to turn the lights on, to play a good tune on the radio.

Course Curriculum

  Hi there! Here is your Warm-up
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1 Your Human Experience
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2 Your interior design
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3 How YOU matter
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4 Thrive to drive
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5 Activate your communication
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 6 Cruise control
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 7 Booster
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Finish line
Available in days
days after you enroll

This is your next step

you are so close.

Here the details.

Standard rate 219 USD


When does the course start?

Anytime. You decide.

When does it finish?

Well, it is designed to be finished after 49 days. With other words the finishing date depends on your diligence and commitment.

Can I binge-watch all in one sitting?


This course is designed for you to take your mind gradually on the transformation journey. I highly recommend taking it in small doses. My students report, watching two or three videos is maximum. Otherwise the daily self-work is less powerful or over-stimulating.

Your course content for the first 14 days is immediately accessible.
14 days after enrollment the full course is accessible to you.

Is there a timed deadline for finishing / watching the course?


As this is the Anytime/On-demand version you simply enroll and start your learning journey on your own time schedule. Hooray!

What if I don't like the course?

I have got you covered. There is a 14 days money back guarantee = if you really don't like what you signed up for, you can step out of the program within the first 14 days, no question asked and receive your full money back.

When is the best time to watch the daily videos?

Best to watch the videos first thing in the morning. Most students love consuming the daily content at the start of the day. They report feeling uplifted and motivated. Yipee! What a great positive set up.

Simply schedule extra time in the morning....and you are all in for a win.

Benefit: You hear about your tasks/self-work early and can integrate it into the day.

How much time do I want to allow each day?

See it as an investment into YOU, which you pay with your time and energy.

20-30 min each day.

Length of videos varies between 10-20 min, and you'll be prompted to use a journal to capture your thoughts and share your insights in the community group.

Journaling and sharing in community can be time consuming. Be mindful, and be as generous with your time here as you can and want. The power of journaling/sharing is high, so I encourage you to use this form of reflection/communication to deepen your transformation.

This program is meant to happen inside of you. Every change inside, every awakening, every lightbulb moment happens inside first.... it is powerful.

The program is also meant to bring you into the position of being the driver of your own life...meaning you are in action OUT THERE.

The program has the potential to impact all of your conversations, your relationships, all situations, so in a way you can use the community group as a middle ground, as a playground, safe space. Between the inside and the outside world.

Will you be available for Questions?

Yes, of course. I am here to support you all the way. I will communicate my office hours.

Can we also communicate in German as English is NOT my mother tongue?

Generally speaking that is possible, we will need to find a viable way forward. The main language of the course is English.

AND the great news is, that NOW we have the updated version of this course available in GERMAN for you. So head over to the Mind You Hub and you can click and choose your German language.

How can I contact you directly, I have got another question/comment?

[email protected]

More stories

Medical Student from Germany

"It was a great trip and very enriching!"

"Julia has put together a great program where you learn a new topic every day! It's super structured and it's really fun to learn new things every day with the help of the "video bites"!

Julia has a rousing, motivating and positive way and manages to inspire you for the content! The program guides you through the process of coming to terms with yourself.

I got to know myself better as a result!

I have already noticed in many everyday situations how what I have learned influences my decisions, my attitude and how I deal with certain situations in different ways!

Thank you, dear Julia!!!!

I would do it again at any time!"

(Student of the LIVE version and Live calls)

Even more success stories

Sally, United Kingdom: Gained confidence, increased her level of self-recognition and transformed her conversations with Active Listening. (Student of the LIVE program)

Christina, Germany: Gaining clarity and confidence from the Driving License for Life (OnDemand/Anytime Student)